Bye Bye 2022

Another year passed by, and another winter came, but it felt like I was stuck in the same place for years. Maybe this is the third winter passing by, and wishing that the next winter will take me to a better place. But I am praying this time that next winter may change everything and that all my hard work and pains will pay off! Cause it really hurts to see the shift in a year and be in the same place where I am constantly trying to take myself at least one step closer to my dream.

But again, one thought crossed my head several times that death would be easier, though I am not that loser! I won't give up; I will fight, I will fight to the last breath, and I will surely cross out every bucket list I ever dreamed of. I am going to make everything more than fine. Yes, that's it!

Haa? What did you ask again? You want to know about my 2022? If I describe 22 in a word, it would be "Mess ."I loved some people more than ever; I also lost some loving people. But if I count, lost >> stayed >> new. Anyway, I don't regret it at all! This is life, the flow, and I am happy with the flow. Maybe. After all, I am stronger than ever, I guess, more mature than the last year.

This year I understood that luck will never be in my favor and I shouldn't count on luck ever! I need to work hard and harder to turn fate in my favor. It's like Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


  1. In Sha Allah, better days will come!
    Till then keep praying to Allah.
